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NEW SERIES: UNDONE | Local Screening


Release Date

  • September 13, 2019


  • US: TV-MA

Release Date

  • September 13, 2019


  • N/A


From the Creator and Producers of Bojack Horseman (Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Kate Purdy) comes Undone, Amazon’s first adult animation series. Directed and Animated by Hisko Hulsing, Undone is a groundbreaking show that utilizes an animation process never seen on TV before and blurs the lines of dark comedy, drama, coming-of-age, and sci-fi genres. The story centers on Alma (Rosa Salazar, Alita: Battle Angel), a Mexican-American woman in her late 20s who is struggling with the demands of her family and is bored of the rut her life is in. However, she is thrust into a new journey as she finds herself exploring the elastic nature of reality after getting into a near fatal car accident. Alma begins having vivid hallucinations of her late father, Jacob (Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad), who urges her to access her astral (non- or metaphysical) self and go back twenty years to discover the truth about his death. The series follows Alma as she tries to make sense of her new reality and tries to understand if she actually does possess the ability to bend time and space. Undone will premiere globally on September 13, 2019 with eight half-hour episodes.



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From the Creator and Producers of Bojack Horseman (Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Kate Purdy) comes Undone, Amazon’s first adult animation series. Directed and Animated by Hisko Hulsing, Undone is a groundbreaking show that utilizes an animation process never seen on TV before and blurs the lines of dark comedy, drama, coming-of-age, and sci-fi genres. The story centers on Alma (Rosa Salazar, Alita: Battle Angel), a Mexican-American woman in her late 20s who is struggling with the demands of her family and is bored of the rut her life is in. However, she is thrust into a new journey as she finds herself exploring the elastic nature of reality after getting into a near fatal car accident. Alma begins having vivid hallucinations of her late father, Jacob (Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad), who urges her to access her astral (non- or metaphysical) self and go back twenty years to discover the truth about his death. The series follows Alma as she tries to make sense of her new reality and tries to understand if she actually does possess the ability to bend time and space. Undone will premiere globally on September 13, 2019 with eight half-hour episodes.

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