THE RESCUE - Verified Movie Ratings |Real Movie Reviews You Can Trust




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Verified Movie Rating


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Unlike other movie websites, we verify users that have actually attended a screening or event by scanning their tickets at the event before collecting their feedback and experience. This verification process provides people with real and honest insights on movies and entertainment related events. Helping you and your friends make informed decisions about upcoming movies and events.

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The following screenings or events is currently in the process of verifying movie ratings. Meaning, the screening or event has either not been completed or attendees have not been verified yet for authenticity. Once they have been verified and approved on our end, the movie ratings will be posted. Thank you for your patience.


47  Verified MOvie Ratings

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47  Verified Movie Ratings

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98%   Fans Recommend

Movie Details

Verified Movie Ratings



Release Date

October 08, 2021


THE RESCUE chronicles the enthralling, against-all-odds story that transfixed the world in 2018: the daring rescue of twelve boys and their coach from deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand. Academy Award®-winning directors and producers E. Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they use a wealth of never-before-seen material and exclusive interviews to piece together the high stakes mission, highlighting the efforts of the Royal Thai Navy SEALs and U.S. Air Force Special Tactics and details the expert cave divers' audacious venture to dive the boys to safety. THE RESCUE brings alive one of the most perilous and extraordinary rescues in modern times, shining a light on the high-risk world of cave diving, the astounding courage and compassion of the rescuers, and the shared humanity of the international community that united to save the boys.

How To Provide a Rating?

How To Provide a Rating?

Enrique D.

October 7, 2021



I was shocked that I came to actually meet human heroes that willingly risk their life and took upon themselves to save and rescue 12 children and their coach without any monetary rewards! Their greatest accomplishment is to have save those kids, having two boys ages 14 and 13 years old, my heart would break if they would be in that situation.\rGet ready to win an Oscar, you deserve it, all of you!

Dunana D.

October 8, 2021



The Rescue is an amazing movie that everyone should see. The bravery, focus, and determination it took to rescue all 12 kids and their coach left me speechless. I appalled the whole team and volunteers across the whole for their effortless sacrifice to save these young boy’s and their coach.

Star G.

October 8, 2021



Excellent film that is a heart warming rise of emotions. I plan on seeing this film again with more friends to share this experience.


October 9, 2021



It was well made and kept my attention the whole time. It was so amazing what everyone went through, put their own lives at risk, and how they saved everyone! Very special people for sure!!!

Chamelle R.

October 9, 2021



It was informative and offered more insight into what actually happened

Denise P.

October 9, 2021



Great Movie! I liked the human element of it.

Corey S.

October 9, 2021



This was hands-down one of the best documentaries I've ever seen! What an incredible true story of determination, sacrifice, and trust in order to save the lives of others.

Kathleen S.

October 9, 2021



Thrilling documentary on the actual events and great re-creations of the underwater experience, although the real experience was harder to navigate as explained by the cave divers in the Q & A after the screening. The audience gave a standing ovation to the cave divers and the film as a whole. Many tears from the movie goers, the story was very compelling!

Enrique D.

October 7, 2021



I was shocked that I came to actually meet human heroes that willingly risk their life and took upon themselves to save and rescue 12 children and their coach without any monetary rewards! Their greatest accomplishment is to have save those kids, having two boys ages 14 and 13 years old, my heart would break if they would be in that situation.\rGet ready to win an Oscar, you deserve it, all of you!

Star G.

October 8, 2021



Excellent film that is a heart warming rise of emotions. I plan on seeing this film again with more friends to share this experience.

Chamelle R.

October 9, 2021



It was informative and offered more insight into what actually happened

Corey S.

October 9, 2021



This was hands-down one of the best documentaries I've ever seen! What an incredible true story of determination, sacrifice, and trust in order to save the lives of others.

Dunana D.

October 8, 2021



The Rescue is an amazing movie that everyone should see. The bravery, focus, and determination it took to rescue all 12 kids and their coach left me speechless. I appalled the whole team and volunteers across the whole for their effortless sacrifice to save these young boy’s and their coach.


October 9, 2021



It was well made and kept my attention the whole time. It was so amazing what everyone went through, put their own lives at risk, and how they saved everyone! Very special people for sure!!!

Denise P.

October 9, 2021



Great Movie! I liked the human element of it.

Kathleen S.

October 9, 2021



Thrilling documentary on the actual events and great re-creations of the underwater experience, although the real experience was harder to navigate as explained by the cave divers in the Q & A after the screening. The audience gave a standing ovation to the cave divers and the film as a whole. Many tears from the movie goers, the story was very compelling!


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